- What is PHP?
- What are the common usage of PHP?
- In how many ways you can embed PHP code in an HTML page?
- What is the purpose of php.ini file?
- What is escaping to PHP?
- What do you mean by having PHP as whitespace insensitive?
- Is PHP a case sensitive language?
- What are the characteristics of PHP variables?
- What are the different types of PHP variables?
- What are rules for naming a PHP variable?
- What are the rules for determine the "truth" of any value not already of the Boolean type?
- What is NULL?
- How will you define a constant in PHP?
- What is the purpose of constant() function?
- What are the differences between PHP constants and variables?
- What are PHP magic constants?
- What is the purpose of _LINE_ constant?
- What is the purpose of _FILE_ constant?
- What is the purpose of _FUNCTION_ constant?
- What is the purpose of _CLASS_ constant?
- What is the purpose of _METHOD_ constant?
- What is the purpose of break statement?
- What is the purpose of continue statement?
- Explain the syntax for 'foreach' loop.
- What is numeric array?
- What is associate array?
- What is Multidimensional array?
- How will you concatenate two strings in PHP?
- How will you find the length of a string in PHP?
- How will you locate a string within a string in PHP?
- How will you get environment variables in PHP?
- How will you get the browser's details using PHP?
- How will you generate random numbers using PHP?
- What is the purpse $_PHP_SELF variable?
- How will you redirect a page using PHP?
- How can you display a file download dialog box using PHP?
- How will you get information sent via get method in PHP?
- How will you get information sent via post method in PHP?
- What is the purpse $_REQUEST variable?
- Which function will you use to create an array?
- How can you sort an array?
- What is the difference between single quoted string and double quoted string?
- How will you concatenate two strings?
- What is the use of $_REQUEST variable?
- How will you include the content of a PHP file into another PHP file?
- What is the difference between include() Function and require() Function?
- How will you open a file in readonly mode?
- How will you read a file in php?
- How will you get the size of a file in php?
- How will you check if a file exists or not using php?
- Can you assign the default values to a function parameters?
- How will you set cookies using PHP?
- How will you get cookies using PHP?
- How will you make a check that a cookie is set or not?
- How will you delete a cookie?
- How will you start a session in PHP?
- How will you access session variables in PHP?
- How will you check if session variable is already set or not in PHP?
- How will you unset a single session variable?
- How will you destroy the session?
- How will you send an email using PHP?
- What is the purpose of $_FILES variable in PHP?
- How will you access the uploaded file in PHP?
- How will you access the actual name of the uploaded file in PHP?
- How will you access the size of the uploaded file in PHP?
- How will you access the content type of the uploaded file in PHP?
- How will you access the error code associated with file upload in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $GLOBALS variable in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $_SERVER variable in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $_COOKIE variable in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $_SESSION variable in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $_PHP_SELF variable in PHP?
- What is the purpose of $php_errormsg variable in PHP?
- How ereg() function works?
- How eregi() function works?
- How split() function works?
- How preg_match() function works?
- How preg_split() function works?
- How will you retrieve the error message using Exception class in PHP when error occured?
- How will you retrieve code of exception using Exception class in PHP when error occured?
- How will you retrieve source filename using Exception class in PHP when error occured?
- How will you retrieve source line using Exception class in PHP when error occured?
- How will you retrieve stack trace using Exception class in PHP when error occured?
- How will you retrieve formated string of trace in PHP when error occured?
- How will you get the current date and time using PHP?
- What is the purpose of getdate() function?
- What is the purpose of date() function?
- How will you connect a MySql database using PHP?
- How will you create a MySql database using PHP?
- How will you close a MySql database using PHP?
- How will you parse an XML document using PHP?
- Can you create a class in PHP?
- How will you add a constructor function to a PHP class?
- How will you add a destructor function to a PHP class?
- How will you access the reference to same object within the object in PHP?
- How will you create objects in PHP?
- How will you call member functions of a class in PHP?
- What is function overriding?
- What are interfaces n PHP?
- What is the use of final keyword?
General Interview Questions on PHP
October 09, 2016