How To Clear History In Safari

Ram Pothuraju

Viewing History

Open the Safari browser.

In the menu bar at the top of the browser window, open the History menu.

In the History menu, you will see the last 10 web pages you have visited listed. You should also see a menu option for each of the last 6 or 7 days, listing the web pages visited each of those days. By default, history is only kept for the last 7 days.

Deleting History

Depending on the version of Safari on your computer, follow one of the following two sets of instructions.

Open the Safari browser.

In the menu bar at the top of the browser window, open the Safari menu.

Select Clear History and Website Data in the Safari menu.

In the Clear drop-down list, select an option for how far back you want to delete history for: the last hour, today, today and yesterday, or all history.

Click the Clear History button to clear browser history, as well as browser cookies and data.

- OR -

Click on the Gear Safari gear icon icon, which is located near the top-right side of the browser window.

Click the Reset Safari... link, which opens the window shown below. Uncheck any boxes whose content you do not want to delete and click the Reset button.

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