JNTUK 1-1 To 4-1 [R05, R07, R10] Regular/Supplementary Examination Results Page-3

Ram Pothuraju

JNTU Kakinada III B.Tech I Semester (R07,R05,RR) Regular/Supplementary Examination APR/May-2011 Results(22.6.2011 )

JNTU Kakinada 1st YEAR BTECH (R07,R05,RR) Supplementary Examination May-2011 Results(2.7.2011)

JNTU Kakinada 1st and 2nd B.Tech(CCC) Supplementary Examination Results July - 2011 (02.11.2011)

JNTU Kakinada IV B.Tech(R07,R05,RR) I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination Results November - 2011(4.1.2012 )

JNTU Kakinada III B.Tech (R07, R05, RR) II Semester Supplementary Examination Results November - 2011(11.1.2012)

JNTU Kakinada II B.Tech (R07, R05, RR)(R10) I Semester Supplementary Examination Results November - 2011(13.1.2012 )

JNTU Kakinada BTech(2-2 R07,05,RR) Supplementary Examination Results November - 2011(25.1.2012)

JNTU Kakinada I B.Tech(R07,R05,RR) Supplementary Examination Results November - 2011(30.1.2012)

JNTU Kakinada III B.Tech(CCC) Regular Examination Results December- 2011(11.2.2012)

JNTUK I B.Tech (R07,R05,RR) Supple Exams Revaluation/Recounting Results Nov 2011(22.3.2012)

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