Resume - The Extra Edge

Ram Pothuraju

This article about that extra bit you can add on to your resume to give you the extra edge over others. 
       This isnt the typical resume building block article but this will help you establish your identity in the company based on your resume

               Before reading the article I presume you have read my previous article on Resume - The Building Block Your resume should rightly say about you but it should always say what the company needs from you and what are you capable of giving the company.

         A person writing that He/She has taken parts in College Dance competitions on his/her resume is totally irrelevant if they are seeking for the job profile other dance teacher. I have seen resumes where people have written College Fancy Dress winner in their achievements (I mean WAT the HECK??!?!?!).

         Better you right things that focus or highlight the positives of you which will be beneficial to the company like
  • Worked on College fest organizing team. 
  • Headed some XYZ event in college.
  • Was part of the technical quiz team. 
  • Participated in IT competition in XYZ college.
       Now these things will tell the company that you are a team player, has leadership qualities, technically strong, eager to face challenges etc etc. I could judge just that much but a true HR will judge more. 
          Yes you may feel “Damm, I danced so well in that competition. It was so tough and still I can’t write that in my resume?” No worries you may include it but after the achievements which the company will notice.

       Write things the company wants to find in the resume. You many think that the requirements of the different companies vary. So what?!?!? I never said that you should have one resume for all the companies. Yes you need to tweak and edit your resume according to the companies. You can’t have a totally “.net” based resume in a “PHP” based company. You may be well qualified for the job but then your resume doesn’t say so.

           You should mention your skills accordingly, based on the company. Now you have a doubt on how to find what the company needs. Come on guys don’t be a joke, you are learned persons. You have been using the net for Facebook and Social life of yours; it’s high time you use the net for its rightful duty “Research”. Google about the company you are sure to find something. Browse the company site, search for keywords like “goals, objectives, and career options etc”. I myself had made 4-5 copies of my resume based on the companies I sent it to.

Now this is bit of my advice to you. 
Make sure your best things come first on your resumes. 

Example of this

Table 1
Post Graduation
72% (Distinction)
74% (Distinction)
47% (Pass)
74% (First Class)

And this one
Table 2
74% (First Class)
47% (Pass)
74% (Distinction)
Post Graduation
72% (Distinction)

          Now if you ask me. In first glance of the resume I would surely say that the person with Table 1 marks is more apt and qualified for the job then the person with table 2. But if you look closely both the marks are the same. Just the ordering is changed. Table 1 just puts the Best first irrespective of the chronological order but Table 2 goes with the order.

         You may think “Yeh kya yeda bana raha hai”, but in reality the HR doesn’t have time to watch each and every resume closely in the first run. You need to make this tweaking in your resumes accordingly. And lemme tell you the above thing has worked in winning the HR persons mind and has put people in round 2 of the interview process.

        The mail which you send should preferably mention your qualification in the subject line. Example: - “MCA graduate with Distinction.” That sounds nice isn’t it??!

       I guess the 2 articles on resume writing are enough for you people. I can’t spoon feed you all, come on now your all graduates and post graduates. Go get a grip, learn for yourselves.

Do follow the blog as the next thing I am gonna write is regarding the job interview process.

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